The Global Political Economy of Israel

The Global Political Economy of Israel.
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2002). Pluto Press. (Book; English).

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Abstract or Brief Description

Over the past century, Israel has been transformed from an agricultural colony, to a welfare-warfare state, to a globally integrated “market economy” characterised by great income disparities. What lies behind this transformation? Why the shift in emphasis from “war profits” to “peace dividends” – and back to conflict? How did egalitarianism give rise to inequality? Who are the big winners here, and how have they shaped their world? Never before have these questions been answered as they are in this highly original book. In order to understand capitalist development, argue Bichler and Nitzan, we need to break the artificial separation between “economics” and “politics”, and think of accumulation itself as “capitalisation of power”. Applying this concept to Israel, and drawing on seemingly unrelated phenomena, the authors reveal the big picture that never makes it to the news. Diverse processes – such as global accumulation cycles, regional conflicts and energy crises, ruling class formation and dominant ideology, militarism and dependency, inflation and recession, the politics of high-technology and the transnationalisation of ownership – are all woven into a single story. The result is a fascinating account of one of the world”s most volatile regions, and a new way of understanding the global political economy.



Publication Type



Arms accumulation acquisitions capital capitalism centralization competition conflict conglomeration corporation credit crisis debt demographics development distribution dual economy elite energy finance globalization growth imperialism distribution inflation institutionalism IPE Israel labour liberalization M&A merger methodology Middle East military national interest security oil OPEC ownership Palestine peace politics power privatization profit ruling class sabotage stagflation state stock market technology TNC United States US violence war Zionism


BN Theory
BN State & Government
BN Region - Middle East
BN Cooperation & Collective Action
BN Industrial Organization
BN Civil Society
BN Institutions
BN Region - Asia
BN Macro
BN War & Peace
BN Conflict & Violence
BN Science & Technology
BN History
BN Methodology
BN Agency
BN Comparative
BN Capital & Accumulation
BN Class
BN Labour
BN Growth
BN Civilization & Social Systems
BN Political Parties
BN Trade
BN Hegemony
BN International & Global
BN Power
BN Business Enterprise
BN Region - North America
BN Value & Price
BN Crisis
BN Production
BN Demographics
BN Money & Finance
BN Ideology
BN Distribution
BN Region - Europe
BN Ethnicity & Race
BN Policy

Depositing User

Jonathan Nitzan

Date Deposited

30 Nov 2010

Last Modified

30 Mar 2016 23:01


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